216 Luxury Accommodation Muriwai Beach Auckland

TwoOneSix Gift Vouchers

Gift vouchers for 216 luxury accommodation in auckland

Can we help you with a very special birthday, anniversary, wedding, or thank you gift?
We can send a Gift Voucher to you or your recipient for a one night stay for two, or any of our accommodation packages.

Accommodation Packages  →

Request a Gift Voucher

Just fill in all areas of the form below and specify which Voucher Type you require for your gift voucher. Please include the recipient's name and provide a message for the recipient in the space provided, so that we can personalise your voucher.

We will process your Gift Voucher request, then email you a Pro Forma Invoice with our bank account information. When payment is received, we will email you a personalised, printable Gift Voucher.


216 Luxury Accommodation
216 Oaia Rd, Muriwai Beach

M: 027 287 8680
E: jeanette@216.co.nz

Please choose a package for your voucher type and check that your email is correct before submitting the form.

Add our email to your contacts to avoid it ending up as spam.

Our Getaway packages
Our  Luxury  Packages 
A Honeymoon package

Sample gift voucher

Sample Gift Voucher for 216 Luxury Accommodation

  1. Your Personal Message (Required). Enter in space below with a character limit of 300.

Terms and Conditions

Gift Vouchers are valid for one year from purchase. All bookings are subject to availability.
Please call or text 027 287 8680 or email jeanette@216.co.nz.
Gift vouchers are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.